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Privacy Policy
The Controller of personal data of persons using the contact form is AUTODNA Sp. z o.o., seated in Łódź, ul. Obywatelska 128/152, 94-104 Łódź, KRS (National Court Register) no. 0000349742, NIP (Taxpayer ID Number): 5492391545, REGON (Business ID Number): 121164104. You may contact the Controller by the correspondence address of the Controller or by email:
Your personal data will be processed in order to:
answer your question asked via the contact form – for the realisation of our legitimate interest in ensuring communication with the service user and answering the inquiry addressed at AUTODNA Sp. z o.o. – pursuant to Art 6 Section 1 Letter f) of GDPR. In this case, your data will be processed until lodging the complaint regarding the processing of your personal data or over the period of time no longer than 36 month from the date of sending the inquiry.
b) the establishment, investigation or defence of any possible claims which could be connected to the actions and services conducted by AUTODNA Sp. z o.o. – for the realisation of our legitimate interest in securing claims, pursuant to Art 6 Section 1 Letter f) of GDPR, over the period of time provided by the law regulations concerning laches.
Your personal data recipients may be parties providing and supporting the information systems used by the Controller, and parties providing services connected to the current activity of the Controller – pursuant to the entered contracts of entrustment of processing of personal data, and ensuring the application of relevant technical and organisational measures ensuring the data privacy by the aforementioned parties, as well as the public authorities authorised to access such data, in accordance with the applicable law.
You are entitled to:
access your data, and also to correct, delete and restrict the processing, as well as to transfer your data and object processing it.
lodge a complaint regarding the processing of their personal data to the supervisory authority – the Polish Data Protection Commissioner, when you think that processing your personal data violates the GDPR regulations.
Your personal data will not be transferred to a third party or an international organisation.
Your personal data will not be subjected to automated decision making, including in the form of profiling.
Providing your personal data is voluntary, but it's necessary to send an inquiry via the contact form.
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